Image Sampler

Architects and designers have been explored the Image Sampler script for many years in parametric design. This script is simple and effective, and its purpose goes beyond architectural design. In architectural design, this script is often used for creating customised facade panels produced through digital fabrication using CNC machines.

In this example, we reproduce an image composed of circles that could be fabricated as a customised perforated facade panel.

Image Sampler

We can make this script in a few steps.

Creating the Image

First, we load an image of a сверчок or Sverchok (cricket), which is our adorable mascot. We go to Blender and change the Editor Type to Image Editor, then choose the Sverchok image that you can download here.

Loading image in Blender

Then we load the image in Sverchok using the Image node (Generator -> Image).

Loading image in Sverchok

Now we need to define the image size in Sverchok. This image has 550x400 pixels. We need to use a size proportional to the original image. For instance, we can do that by dividing the original size by a given number. We use two Scalar Math nodes, one for the Xvec input with the number 550, and another for the Yvec input with the number 400, respectively, image width and height. Then, we use A Number(Number -> A Number) as a divisor with the number 6.

Defining image size

We can use a Viewer Draw(Viz -> Viewer Draw) to visualise the points. Also, we use A Number with the value 0.06 to define Xstep and Ystep.

Viewer Draw

Then, we use Vector Out (Vector -> Vector Out) and Vector In (Vector -> Vector In) to deconstruct the vertices in the corresponding values, X, Y, Z. Because in the next step, we are going to remap the values for Z.

Vector Out and Vector In

We remap the Z value using Map Range(Number -> Map Range) checking the option List Limits, defining New Min as 0.01 and New Max as 0.02. Then, we use Matrix In using X and Y from Vector In as the input Location and Z output as input Scale.

Map Range

We can finalise our image using a Matrix Apply(Matrix -> Matrix Apply) node with a Circle node as input. Then connect the output from Matrix In into the input Matrix from Matrix Apply. To visualise, use another Viewer Draw. Easy!

Finalising the image

Do not forget to make the group.

Making the group with the image nodes

Creating the Panel

It is a good idea to create a panel defining its borders. This border makes it possible to fabricate in a Laser Cutter Machine.

First, we create a Plane(Generator -> Plane), using the image size from Scalar Math output for both X and Y as input of SizeX and SizeY. Then, we use A Viewer Draw node to visualise it.

Making a Plane

To resize the panel, we multiply its size by 0.06. It is the same number used for the space between vertices.

To make it parametrically, we connect it to the same A Number node that defines the space between points into the Scalar Math node with the Multiply for SizeX and SizeY inputs.

Multiply plane by a factor

Now we need to centralise the plane within the circles. To do that, we use a Scalar Math node with the operator Negate from the A Number output that defines the space between points to make it a negative value. Then, we use a Matrix In node using the Location parameter with the Negate output, connecting it to the Plane into the Matrix input.

Centralising the plane

To finalise the panel, we can regularise the panel borders, adding a value to both X and Y plane size from the node Scalar Math (DIV). We can use the value 0.3 with an A Number node.

Regularise the panel

Finally, we create a group with the panel nodes.

Creating the group with panel nodes

Exporting the SVG file

Now, we can save the panel in an SVG file, making it possible to send it to a laser cutter machine, for example. First, we create a Path SVG(SVG -> Path SVG) node with the circles from the Matrix Apply output. We click on Fill/Stroke to create a Fill/Stroke node. Then, we change the Fill parameter to None and Stroke parameter to Flat, defining the Stroke Width to 0.01.

Path SVG circles

Then, we use the Mesh SVG(SVG -> Mesh SVG) node to create the panel lines, connecting the vertices and edges from the Plane output. We click on Fill/Stroke to create a Fill/Stroke node. Then, we change the Fill parameter to None and Stroke parameter to Flat, defining the Stroke Width to 0.01.

Mesh SVG panel

We create two groups of SVG lines, one for cutting with the circles and the other with sheet with the panel. We use SVG Group (SVG -> SVG Group) to make it.

SVG Group

We use a List Join (List -> List Main -> List Join) node to create a single list with both groups, then SVG Document to export it to SVG. We define an A4 landscape standard 297x210 with the Scale parameter as 50. Then, we save the SVG by clicking on Folder Path, checking Live Update, clicking on Open Server to open the live preview.

SVG Document

We can centralise the SVG by changing the Offset value from the Group SVG input. Then, we can click on the Write option in the SVG Document node to save it into a file.

Centralise SVG

Do not forget to make the final group.

Making a SVG group node

Now we can open it in Inkscape. =)

Open panel in Inkscape

You can download the blend file here.

Have fun. South Park